Workplace Productivity: Helpful Hints for Office Workers

WRITTEN BY rightsize

Here are some reminders to keep you on track.

Designate time for specific tasks – Is a flooded email box getting you down? Clean it out in the morning, then handle business-task like prospecting. After that follow up to voicemails and then answer any emails. Find the combination that works for you, but sticking to a schedule will make sure your daily routine isn’t controlled by emails.

Take breaks – Taking time to refocus is a great way to stay productive – and many people won’t allocate time for taking a break. It can clear your head and help make you more effective creatively. Besides, standing up and get your blood flowing is good for your body.

Organize your workspace – Before leaving the office every evening, take a few minutes to get rid of unwanted paperwork and tidy up your workspace to prepare for the next day. Then, when you show up in the morning, you won’t be hindered by unmanageable clutter.

Get a plant – Studies show that having a plant nearby at work can positively impact your work productivity – by up to 30 percent. Plus, getting up during the day to water it will help provide you with some extra break time – and time to stretch your legs!

Personalize your desk area – Bring photos and artwork to make your work area a more familiar place. The more comfortable you are in the workplace, the more likely you are to come up with big ideas. Be aware of the conditions that allow you to work most effectively – and maximize them.

Be comfortable – If your desk chair isn’t cutting it, consider shifting gears towards a more back-friendly option. The standing desk is a great way to keep circulation going, without the pain of being seated all day. Yoga balls and ergonomically sound chairs can make a difference as well.  Check out what we have to offer here.

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